British Columbia Real Estate Associations MLS® Transaction Sales Statistics For B.C.: 2nd Quarter of 2010

The British Columbia Real Estate Association released sales statistics from all B.C. Real Estate boards comparing the MLS® transaction volumes for 2009 and 2010. I have included all charts including the larger Real Estate board areas for the sake of comparison. Click on the image to enlarge.

Kamloops Housing Market 2010 vs. 2009 sales MLS transactions by Board Area Statistics Information

Kamloops Real Estate MLS Transaction Volume and Statistics by Board Area

BC Housing Market 2010 Quarter 2 charts statistics Information

BC Housing Market 2nd Quarter 2010 MLS Transaction Sales Statistics

2010 Year To Date MLS Transactions By Board Area Statistics 2nd Quarter Larger Real Estate Board Area

2010 Year To Date MLS Transactions By Board Area Statistics 2nd Quarter Larger Real Estate Board Area


Kamloops and District Real Estate Associations Statistics For July 2010

The Kamloops and District Real Estate Association has released it’s latest statistics for July 2010. Residential sales are down quite a bit in comparison to the sales numbers for July 2009. Click on the images to enlarge.

Comparative analysis by property type July 2010 Kamloops Real Estate Statistics

Kamloops Real Estate Comparative analysis by property type July 2010

MLS Activity July 2010 Kamloops Real Estate Statistics

Kamloops Real Estate MLS Activity July 2010

Sales by subarea july 2010 Kamloops Real Estate Statistics

Kamloops Real Estate Sales by Subarea July 2010

1 96 97 98 99 100 106