Canadian Banks Unlikely to Jeopardize Economy by Raising Interest Rates in 2011

This article appeared on The Record on February 9, 2011 and was written by Chuck Howitt.

While mortgage and interest rates are inching higher, the major banks aren’t likely to keep pushing them up if they sense household debt is too high, an economist told local real estate agents Wednesday.

Two large banks announced mortgage rate increases this week, but the banks will likely refrain from further increases if they jeopardize the economic recovery, said Paul Ferley, assistant chief economist for RBC.

The Bank of Canada became alarmed when debt-to-income ratios, fuelled by a long period of low mortgage rates, continued to rise in Canada during the recession while dropping in the U.S., Ferley said.

Traditionally those ratios have been lower in Canada, but now they are about equal in both countries, he told about 150 agents at Coldwell Banker Peter Benninger Realty.

While mortgage debt continues to be worrisome, Ferley doubted Canada is on the verge of a housing-price correction. In the late 1980s, when the last housing bubble burst, mortgage payments were growing much more quickly than incomes, he said.

The same trend has not been occurring in recent years, Ferley said.

Housing prices jumped about 20 per cent coming off the recession, but they have since begun to follow the historical pattern of more gradual increases. He expects that flattening trend to continue.

Looking at the North American economy as a whole, economists no longer fear a double-dip recession, Ferley said. The economic recovery “will be gradual, but sustained,” he said.

While a sudden eruption in the Egyptian crisis could send oil prices soaring and destabilize the world economy, the U.S. economy is gaining steam, he said. But the private sector needs to pick up the slack now that government stimulus is being turned off, he added.

The Canadian economy, while still closely tethered to the U.S. economy, is well positioned because commodity prices, particularly oil prices, remain at historically high levels, he said. He expects oil to remain at the robust price of around $90 a barrel because of demand from countries such as China and India.

High commodity prices are not necessarily good news for Ontario’s economy, which relies more on manufacturing and a healthy U.S. economy, Ferley said.

On the positive side, auto sales have climbed past 12 million units a year in the U.S. after dropping to about nine million during the recession and manufacturing has picked up, though just modestly, he noted.

In Waterloo Region, manufacturing accounts for 22 per cent of the labour force, higher than the provincial average of 14 per cent, he noted.

This is a concern, but strong building-permit activity particularly in the commercial and institutional sectors and the rebound in housing starts and employment have brightened the outlook for the local economy, he said.


B.C. Real Estate & Housing Market Outlook For 2010 to 2012

Brenda Colman - Invis Kamloops Mortgage BrokerCentral 1 Credit Union recently released their report on the B.C. housing market for 2010 through to 2012. I have included small exerts from the article here in this post.  The full B.C. report is included at the bottom of this article.

Housing market activity in British Columbia is set to gradually improve over the next two years after deteriorating sharply for most of 2010. While weak demand is forecast to persist into early 2011 and lead to further home price declines, the combination of lower prices and mortgage rates will act as a catalyst for rising sales through 2012. A gradual improvement in the economy and modest rates of household formation will also provide support. Housing starts also look to edge higher over the forecast horizon as builders take their cue from the rising activity in the resale market. However, new home construction will remain subdued relative to cycle highs observed from 2005-2008.

  • Looking forward, sales are forecast to embark on a rising trend through 2012, but remain low.
  • This year, home sales, as defined by annual market arms-length residential transactions, in the province are expected to fall 7% from 2009 levels. Declines will be led by a significant cut in apartment condominium sales of 19%. Single-detached sales will remain relatively flat.
  • Stronger demand from the younger first-time buyer segment will lead to increased sales of multi-family units.
  • These factors will lead to sales increases of 5% and 9% in 2011 and 2012. However, overall transactions will remain 20% below peak levels reached during the 2005 – 2007 period.
  • A gradual downtrend in housing inventory and rising sales is expected to stabilize price levels.
  • Lower inventory levels and higher demand is forecast to push price levels higher through 2012.
  • Thompson/Okanagan (including Kamloops) sales are expected to dip 5%.
  • The main assumptions underlying this forecast includes a gradual but sustained economic growth trajectory, conducive to modest employment gains, a favorable mortgage rate environment for consumers, and positive net-migration similar to recent years.
Brenda Colman, Mortgage Consultant, Invis Kamloops
P. 250-318-8118  E. ac.sivninull@namlocadnerb W.

BC Housing Outlook 2010-2012 Kamloops Real Estate MLS Listings Information

Kamloops Mortgage Info: Is It The Right Time For You To Buy A Home?

Sheila Minten TD Canada Trust Mobile Mortgage Specialist Kamloops BCThe question on many people’s minds right now is, “Is this the right time to buy a home in Kamloops”.  This is a question that is very individual to each person.  There is no way to predict the Kamloops housing market and thus makes this a very difficult question to answer.  It is like trying to predict the stock market so you buy low and sell high.  History shows that the average person is not very good at this.

There is something out there that can help you with your decision making process and that is interest rate.

When using interest rates to guide us, we know that they are at an all time low right now, resulting in significant savings.  For purchasers waiting to see if prices are going to drop more before they buy, think about this: a 1% increase in the interest rate will cost you approximately an extra $10,500 over 5 years (based on a $300,000 at the current 5 year rate and a 35 year mortgage).  The question becomes do you want to risk paying $10,000 in hopes that the housing prices decrease enough to make that back in your purchase price?

With housing prices stabilizing and the rates hitting rock bottom, this makes for a very affordable borrowing and for some buyers a great time to buy.

Sheila Minten, Mobile Mortgage Specialist, TD Canada Trust
P. 250-852-0420 E. moc.dtnull@netnim.aliehs 

Kamloops Mortgage Info: There Is More Than Just a Low Interest Rate

Brenda Colman - Invis Kamloops Mortgage BrokerWhile some mortgage rates have been increasing in recently, overall, interest rates are the lowest we’ve seen in a generation.  Kamloops homeowners and first-time buyers getting a mortgage in the months ahead will likely enjoy a rate that will keep their borrowing costs low for the next few years.  Indeed, borrowers who have renewed or refinanced a mortgage in the past year now pay interest rates that are nearly one point lower than their previous rate, according to an April report by the Canadian Association of Accredited Mortgage Professionals (CAAMP).

While securing an attractive interest rate may be the top priority for most borrowers, some low-rate mortgages available today offer limited flexibility. For example, “no frills” mortgages offer favourable rates, but may limit your ability to pay off your mortgage sooner. In addition, “quick close” financing deals offer attractive rate discounts, but many require a closing date within 30 days. This may not provide enough flexibility for sellers or buyers.

When it comes to choosing a mortgage, getting a good rate is just the tip of the iceberg. To ensure smooth sailing, you have to be aware of all the other features that may lie below the surface.

The features of a mortgage should fit a homebuyer’s personal goals, both now and down the road.  Borrowers need to understand what they’re signing up for – a mortgage is the largest debt most consumers will ever take on.

Below are five tips prospective mortgage holders may consider when choosing a mortgage:

1. Consider an assumable mortgage

A few years from now when you decide to sell your home, your low-rate mortgage could provide an extra selling point. If your mortgage is assumable, meaning it can be transferred to another borrower, it allows the purchaser to take on your mortgage’s terms and payments as part of the sale. This can be an attractive incentive, particularly in a higher rate environment.

2.  Review refinancing penalties

Given the low rates available today, many homeowners are weighing the benefits of refinancing. When choosing a mortgage, keep in mind that penalties are often the equivalent of three months’ mortgage payments, or based on an interest rate differential, which is the difference between your current rate and the new rate.  If you consider refinancing, a mortgage broker can help you decide whether the long-term savings outweigh the up-front penalties.

3. Evaluate pre-payment options

Many borrowers are taking advantage of low interest rates by accelerating payments on their mortgages. For example, many lenders allow you to double up payments periodically, or make lump-sum payments of up to 20 per cent of the principal once a year. When negotiating your mortgage, make sure you understand the size and frequency of payments your lender allows.

4. Review skip-a-payment options

Some lenders offer an option to skip a payment without penalty, which may come in handy in today’s economy.

5. Consider portability

Many mortgages have a portability feature that allows you to transfer your existing mortgage over to a new property, but not all portability terms are the same. Some lenders allow as long as 120 days to transfer the mortgage, but others only allow for a few days or a week.

Choosing the right mortgage involves considering where you are now, and where you may be three to five years from now.  Working with a mortgage professional can help you make sense of the many options available to you.

Brenda Colman, Mortgage Consultant, Invis Kamloops
P. 250-318-8118  E. ac.sivninull@namlocadnerb W.
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