BCREA: Provincial Housing Market Showing Signs of Recovery Heading into Spring

Vancouver, BC – March 13, 2023. The British Columbia Real Estate Association (BCREA) reports that a total of 4,775 residential unit sales were recorded in Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®) systems in February 2023, a decrease of 46.5 per cent from February 2022. The average MLS® residential price in BC in 2023 was 941,575, down 14.7 per cent compared to the average price of over $1.1 million in February 2022, recorded at the market’s peak. The total sales dollar volume was $4.5 billion, representing a 54.4 per cent decrease from the same time in the previous year.

“While activity across provincial housing markets remains well below normal,” said BCREA Chief Economist Brendon Ogmundson. “There are encouraging signs that the market is balancing out. Home sales rose month-over-month in most markets, and prices appear to be firming up in the face of low supply.”

Worth mentioning, the provincial MLS® average price was up 8.5 per cent month-over-month to its highest level since July 2022, partially due to a more stable market but also because of the composition of sales reverting to a more normal mix following low sales of single detached homes through the Lower Mainland in January.

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“Copyright British Columbia Real Estate Association. Reprinted with permission.” BCREA makes no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of this information.

BCREA Housing Market Update for January 2023

BC Real Estate Association (BCREA) Chief Economist Brendon Ogmundson discusses the January 2023 statistics.

The BC real estate market is off to a slow start for 2023. Sales in the province are down 50.3% yaer over year. January is typically is a slower month for sales, the sales volume for this January is the lowest since January 2009. The invetory is up from January of 2022 however the inventory of home sales is still below the normal number for the month of January. Presently with the sales activity levels it puts the market in more of a balanced territory however it is close to dipping into the buyer’s market range.

The average price provincially was down 16.5% year over year. The sales have shifted away from the more expensive housing to more affordable home sales. Sales of single family detached homes in the lower mainland have dropped quite a bit.

The MLS Composite Price Index shows a 5.9% decline in the Interior region. In comparison Vancouver saw a 6.6% decline, Fraser Valley 15.1%, Victoria 1.3%, Vancouver Island 3.7% and 21.9% in Chilliwack.

Kamloops saw 115 unit sales for January 2023. That is a 38.8% decline year over year. The average price is a $552,976 which is a 12.3% adjustment. Kamloops presently has 752 active listings at the end of January which is 107.2% increase from last January and that equates to 6.5 months worth of supply. Kamloops actually has a lower ‘month of supply’ than other regions with the Okanagan at 9.4 months, South Peace River at 10 months, Kootenay 7.5 months, BC Northern 9.9 months, Greater Vancouver 7.6 months. The only two regions that have a lower month’s worth of supply is the Fraser Valley and Victoria.

There are buyers out looking for homes in Kamloops, we have found that there aren’t a ton of options for buyers in some price segments. It will be interesting to see how the 2023 real estate market pans out for the region. Kamloops seems to be a bit of a unique city where there are a lot of relocations for jobs and the city continues to grow.

Click here to visit to BCREA’s website. To view other statistics for the Kamloops and BC real estate market click here.

If you want to be kept informed on Kamloops Real Estate, News and more visit our Facebook Page.

To search for Kamloops real estate and homes for sale click here.

“Copyright British Columbia Real Estate Association. Reprinted with permission.” BCREA makes no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of this information.

Housing Market Activity Off to a Slow Start in 2023, BCREA

Vancouver, BC – February 14, 2023. The British Columbia Real Estate Association (BCREA) reports that a total of 3,047 residential unit sales were recorded in Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®) systems in January 2023, a decrease of 50.3 per cent from January 2022. The average MLS® residential price in BC in 2023 has seen a dip to $872,934, down 16.1% compared to the average price of over $1 million in January 2022, which was recorded near the peak of the market. The total sales dollar volume was $2.7 billion, representing a 58.3% decrease from the same time in the previous year.

“Provincial sales are off to a slow start in 2023 as activity continues to be weighed down by high borrowing costs,” said BCREA Chief Economist Brendon Ogmundson. “While average prices have flattened out in many markets over the past few months, year-over-year measures reflect the decline that occurred from the peak in 2022, as well as a marked shift in the composition of sales away from more expensive homes.”

The total number of active listings has significantly increased compared to the record low level recorded at the start of 2022. However, at just under 22,000 total listings, the inventory of homes for sales remains well below normal for January as a scarcity of new listings in many markets has muted the impact of slow sales activity.

Click here to visit to BCREA’s website. To view other statistics for the Kamloops and BC real estate market click here.

If you want to be kept informed on Kamloops Real Estate, News and more visit our Facebook Page.

To search for Kamloops real estate and homes for sale click here.

“Copyright British Columbia Real Estate Association. Reprinted with permission.” BCREA makes no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of this information.

BCREA: Housing Market Faces a Challenging 2023 Before Posting a Strong Recovery in 2024

BCREA 2023 First Quarter Housing Forecast Update

Vancouver, BC – February 6, 2023. The British Columbia Real Estate Association (BCREA) released its 2023 First Quarter Housing Forecast Update today.

Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®) residential sales in BC are forecast to decline 7.1 per cent to 75,150 units this year. In 2024, MLS® residential sales are forecast to post a strong rebound, rising 23.8 per cent to 93,025 units.

“A slowing economy and still elevated mortgage rates are expected to keep housing activity lower than normal through much of 2023,” said BCREA Chief Economist Brendon Ogmundson. “However, we expect a strong recovery, boosted by an expected decline in mortgage rates and record high immigration that will carry significant momentum into 2024.”
Inventories have increased from the depleted level at the beginning of 2022, but they remain low compared to historical levels, despite a sharp decrease in sales. However, the abrupt shift in market conditions has meant that prices have come down despite low inventory, falling from peak levels through the spring before stabilizing toward the end of last year. While we expect MLS® average prices to trend relatively flat this year, they will be lower than the peak values of 2022. Consequently, year-over-year comparisons will register negative for much of 2023, likely resulting in negative annual price growth even if monthly prices begin to recover as expected later this year.

For the complete news release, including detailed statistics, click here.

Click here to visit to BCREA’s website. To view other statistics for the Kamloops and BC real estate market click here.

If you want to be kept informed on Kamloops Real Estate, News and more visit our Facebook Page.

To search for Kamloops real estate and homes for sale click here.

“Copyright British Columbia Real Estate Association. Reprinted with permission.” BCREA makes no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of this information.

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